stock quote query mal-function



i have been using the 'ms investor stock quotes' function in excel 2000 to
update my portfolio; it no longer functions rather gives me this message
"Unable to open
Cannot download the information you requested." was working fine before i
installed explorer 6 sp1 kb883939 security update - can anyone offer a
work-around to restore functionality, or a way to un-install the security
thanks for your assistance, jt.


dave...thanks very much, the sheet works again after only a modest change as
per your suggestion...again thanks and be well, jt

David McRitchie said:
See Jason's reply (first reply) in this thread

Microsoft changed the name of the URL within the query, nothing to do with IE or Excel or security
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages:
Search Page:


jt said:
i have been using the 'ms investor stock quotes' function in excel 2000 to
update my portfolio; it no longer functions rather gives me this message
"Unable to open
Cannot download the information you requested." was working fine before i
installed explorer 6 sp1 kb883939 security update - can anyone offer a
work-around to restore functionality, or a way to un-install the security
thanks for your assistance, jt.

David McRitchie

Thanks, good to get feedback, the problem just started popping up all over the place
after that thread. Jason's anonymous posting in that thread was the one with the
answer to change the URL within the query. I've tucked the answer away on my page though I don't

do any of that, Quicken suits me just fine. But for those that do they might
be interested in the Microsoft templates -- haven't figured out if it is possible
to search with anything like the precision of using Google to just get the
investment Excel templates, but who knows maybe someone also wants the
word templates as well..

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