That is a relative formula, in A1 Reference Style. Absolute would be
=ABS(O2) and =ABS(R[2]C[-5]) are only two different representations of the same internal formula.
The Relative button influences recording actions, like selecting cells, not the formulas.
I don't think you can have Excel record formulas in macros in A1 Reference Style.
If you want to know what the formula looks like in the worksheet, use
in the immediate window.
Kind regards,
Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel
|I am attempting to develop a procedure. Part of the procedure is to enter a formula into a cell. I
| have the formula written. While the recorder is recording the formula, I want the macro to show the
| actual formula not the relative formula.
| Currently, I must replace the recorded formula i.e., ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _ "=ABS(R[2]C[-5])"
| with ActiveCell.Formula = "=ABS(O2)"
| >Hi Eagle One,
| >
| ><Both settings generate a formula as Activecell.FormulaR1C1>
| >
| >That has nothing to do with relative or absolute; it is just the reference style.
| >
| >What exactly are you trying to do and what behavior of Excel stops you?