Stop access from populating uniqueidentifier (GUID)



OK, i have completed some more testing with the UniqueIdentifier fields in
Access. When a new record is created, MS Access automatically populates any
SQL Server non-primary key UniqueIdentifier field with a value. I have set
the default(s) to be null (Access form and SQL Server).

How do i set properties so that Access does not auto-populate the
UniqueIdentifier fields?

Thank you

Server 2000 / Access 2003

John W. Vinson

OK, i have completed some more testing with the UniqueIdentifier fields in
Access. When a new record is created, MS Access automatically populates any
SQL Server non-primary key UniqueIdentifier field with a value. I have set
the default(s) to be null (Access form and SQL Server).

How do i set properties so that Access does not auto-populate the
UniqueIdentifier fields?


That's a contradiction. A unique identifier must have a different value in
every record, in order to be a unique identifier. As such it cannot be NULL.

John W. Vinson [MVP]


my pseudo fields are idGUID, idComapny, idLocation. idGUID is the primary
key while idCompany and idLocation are references to PK in other fields. I
do not want idCompany and idLocation being automatically populated

John W. Vinson

my pseudo fields are idGUID, idComapny, idLocation. idGUID is the primary
key while idCompany and idLocation are references to PK in other fields. I
do not want idCompany and idLocation being automatically populated

They won't be, unless you're doing something very odd.

John W. Vinson [MVP]


that is what i thought. I even tested with a three (3) field table: idGUID
(UniqueIdentifier, PK), Name (nVarChar(50)), field3 (UniqueIdentifier). only
idGUID is to auto populate.

when i enter a new record directly in the table, field3 gets a value.

could ADO have anything to do with it?

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