Stop Automatic Reduction of Fractions



Excel 2000/2003- In the company, WIP to Lead-time must be stored in a
worksheet as a fraction- 4/56 for example. When you enter 0 [space] 4/56 and
press enter, Excel reduces the fraction to 1/14. The 4/56 must remain
displayed as 4/56 for this task, and remain a number (so preceeding with a
space or an apostrophe will not work). Anyone know how to stop the automatic
fraction reduction? I don't immediately see any setting.
Thank you. Annie


Whilst there isn't any way per se to do what you are asking, take a look
at You could
experiment with text instead of numbers and convert it back to numbers
behind the scenes. re. the apostrophe, I prefer to pre-format the
cells as text.

Not the answer you were looking for, but I hope this helps a bit.


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