Ram Uppu
I see this following thread (you can see the thread after my messageat the
bottom)regarding stoplights in project center view in PWA. Our organization
uses "% work completed" to record progress of work. Based on Dale's responce
it aprreas to me that the approch he suggested will not work for us. I am
using the following formula in project Task summary view to show whether a
task is slipping its date based on how much work has been completed and how
much time remaining from today
I defined a Enterprise Task Number Field with following formula IIf([% Work
Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work Complete]<>100 And
Duration])/480)-(ProjDateDiff(CDate(Date()),[Baseline Finish]))/480,0)))
and defined Graphic indicators based on the the values.
This formula works fine in individual project view, but when I try to use
the similar approch by defining an enterprise project number field and use
formula like this
IIf(cDbl([Duration])=0,-8888,IIf([% Work Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work
Complete]<>100 And cDbl([Duration])>0,(cDbl([Remaining
Duration])/480)-(ProjDateDiff(CDate(Date()),[Baseline Finish]))/480,0))))
It is not showing proper results for me. I went ahead replaced above formula
with follwoing based on Dare response with the following formula
IIf(cDbl([Duration])=0,-8888,IIf([% Work Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work
Complete]<>100 And cDbl([Duration])>0,[Enterprise Project Number4],0))))
Where ,[Enterprise Project Number4] = %work complte - % complete.
But this is not working either. According to Dale this will work if we use
%work complete to report work progress. And we are doing that exactly. So how
can I get proper indicator on project center base on how much % work
completed as of today and remaining work and remaininig time frame between
today and baseline finish date.
Any help will be greatly appreciate as I spent so much of time already
regarding this
Byron --
If your organization uses the Hours of work done per day or per week method
of tracking progress, then you could compare the % Work Complete against the
% Complete. If the % Complete is greater than the % Work Complete, then the
task work has fallen behind schedule. This would be an indirect way to
extract the data you wish.
If your organization is using the % Work Complete or Actual Work and
Remaining Work methods of tracking, the above approach will not work. Hope
this helps.
I see this following thread (you can see the thread after my messageat the
bottom)regarding stoplights in project center view in PWA. Our organization
uses "% work completed" to record progress of work. Based on Dale's responce
it aprreas to me that the approch he suggested will not work for us. I am
using the following formula in project Task summary view to show whether a
task is slipping its date based on how much work has been completed and how
much time remaining from today
I defined a Enterprise Task Number Field with following formula IIf([% Work
Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work Complete]<>100 And
Duration])/480)-(ProjDateDiff(CDate(Date()),[Baseline Finish]))/480,0)))
and defined Graphic indicators based on the the values.
This formula works fine in individual project view, but when I try to use
the similar approch by defining an enterprise project number field and use
formula like this
IIf(cDbl([Duration])=0,-8888,IIf([% Work Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work
Complete]<>100 And cDbl([Duration])>0,(cDbl([Remaining
Duration])/480)-(ProjDateDiff(CDate(Date()),[Baseline Finish]))/480,0))))
It is not showing proper results for me. I went ahead replaced above formula
with follwoing based on Dare response with the following formula
IIf(cDbl([Duration])=0,-8888,IIf([% Work Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work
Complete]<>100 And cDbl([Duration])>0,[Enterprise Project Number4],0))))
Where ,[Enterprise Project Number4] = %work complte - % complete.
But this is not working either. According to Dale this will work if we use
%work complete to report work progress. And we are doing that exactly. So how
can I get proper indicator on project center base on how much % work
completed as of today and remaining work and remaininig time frame between
today and baseline finish date.
Any help will be greatly appreciate as I spent so much of time already
regarding this
Byron --
If your organization uses the Hours of work done per day or per week method
of tracking progress, then you could compare the % Work Complete against the
% Complete. If the % Complete is greater than the % Work Complete, then the
task work has fallen behind schedule. This would be an indirect way to
extract the data you wish.
If your organization is using the % Work Complete or Actual Work and
Remaining Work methods of tracking, the above approach will not work. Hope
this helps.