Stop Light Indicator in Project Center View


Ram Uppu


I see this following thread (you can see the thread after my messageat the
bottom)regarding stoplights in project center view in PWA. Our organization
uses "% work completed" to record progress of work. Based on Dale's responce
it aprreas to me that the approch he suggested will not work for us. I am
using the following formula in project Task summary view to show whether a
task is slipping its date based on how much work has been completed and how
much time remaining from today

I defined a Enterprise Task Number Field with following formula IIf([% Work
Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work Complete]<>100 And
Duration])/480)-(ProjDateDiff(CDate(Date()),[Baseline Finish]))/480,0)))

and defined Graphic indicators based on the the values.

This formula works fine in individual project view, but when I try to use
the similar approch by defining an enterprise project number field and use
formula like this

IIf(cDbl([Duration])=0,-8888,IIf([% Work Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work
Complete]<>100 And cDbl([Duration])>0,(cDbl([Remaining
Duration])/480)-(ProjDateDiff(CDate(Date()),[Baseline Finish]))/480,0))))

It is not showing proper results for me. I went ahead replaced above formula
with follwoing based on Dare response with the following formula

IIf(cDbl([Duration])=0,-8888,IIf([% Work Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work
Complete]<>100 And cDbl([Duration])>0,[Enterprise Project Number4],0))))

Where ,[Enterprise Project Number4] = %work complte - % complete.

But this is not working either. According to Dale this will work if we use
%work complete to report work progress. And we are doing that exactly. So how
can I get proper indicator on project center base on how much % work
completed as of today and remaining work and remaininig time frame between
today and baseline finish date.

Any help will be greatly appreciate as I spent so much of time already
regarding this



Byron --

If your organization uses the Hours of work done per day or per week method
of tracking progress, then you could compare the % Work Complete against the
% Complete. If the % Complete is greater than the % Work Complete, then the
task work has fallen behind schedule. This would be an indirect way to
extract the data you wish.

If your organization is using the % Work Complete or Actual Work and
Remaining Work methods of tracking, the above approach will not work. Hope
this helps.

Lars Hammarberg

If I understand you correctly and work is spread evenly over the task:

format(IIf(ProjDateDiff([Current Date],[Baseline
Start])/ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],[Baseline
Start])>1,1,ProjDateDiff([Current Date],[Baseline
Start])/ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],[Baseline Start])),"0%")

This one calculates the difference in duration (working days according to
default calendar) between today's date and baseline start, divided with the
diff between BL start and BL finish and expressed as a percentage. With an
extra check to make sure the percentage never exceeds 100%.

/Lars Hammarberg

Ram Uppu said:

I see this following thread (you can see the thread after my messageat the
bottom)regarding stoplights in project center view in PWA. Our
uses "% work completed" to record progress of work. Based on Dale's
it aprreas to me that the approch he suggested will not work for us. I am
using the following formula in project Task summary view to show whether a
task is slipping its date based on how much work has been completed and
much time remaining from today

I defined a Enterprise Task Number Field with following formula IIf([%
Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work Complete]<>100 And
Duration])/480)-(ProjDateDiff(CDate(Date()),[Baseline Finish]))/480,0)))

and defined Graphic indicators based on the the values.

This formula works fine in individual project view, but when I try to use
the similar approch by defining an enterprise project number field and use
formula like this

IIf(cDbl([Duration])=0,-8888,IIf([% Work Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work
Complete]<>100 And cDbl([Duration])>0,(cDbl([Remaining
Duration])/480)-(ProjDateDiff(CDate(Date()),[Baseline Finish]))/480,0))))

It is not showing proper results for me. I went ahead replaced above
with follwoing based on Dare response with the following formula

IIf(cDbl([Duration])=0,-8888,IIf([% Work Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work
Complete]<>100 And cDbl([Duration])>0,[Enterprise Project Number4],0))))

Where ,[Enterprise Project Number4] = %work complte - % complete.

But this is not working either. According to Dale this will work if we use
%work complete to report work progress. And we are doing that exactly. So
can I get proper indicator on project center base on how much % work
completed as of today and remaining work and remaininig time frame between
today and baseline finish date.

Any help will be greatly appreciate as I spent so much of time already
regarding this



Byron --

If your organization uses the Hours of work done per day or per week
of tracking progress, then you could compare the % Work Complete against
% Complete. If the % Complete is greater than the % Work Complete, then
task work has fallen behind schedule. This would be an indirect way to
extract the data you wish.

If your organization is using the % Work Complete or Actual Work and
Remaining Work methods of tracking, the above approach will not work.
this helps.

Byron M said:
Dale, this was useful but I am still struggling to display what I want.
want to compare actual work done against a baseline figure of how much
should have been done at any point in the project. For example, if a
is 20 days (150hrs) in baseline duration and the work is spread evenly.
the end of day 10 75hrs of work should be complete; however the only
can extract is actual hours worked. Is there anyway of getting the other


Ram Uppu

Hi Lars

Thanks for your Information. I tried your formula. I was getting "ERROR" if
I use the formula as it is in enterprise project number field. So I used it
with out format function. But I am confused about how to interepret result of
this formula. For a project which is running late it is giving value as 0.74
and for s projects that are running on time it shows as 0.58 and 0.54
respectively. For a project which is complete on time it shows as 1. So if i
try to interet 1 as project running on time then for projects that has values
..54 and .56, this formula is wrong. can you please explain me how this should


Lars Hammarberg said:
If I understand you correctly and work is spread evenly over the task:

format(IIf(ProjDateDiff([Current Date],[Baseline
Start])/ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],[Baseline
Start])>1,1,ProjDateDiff([Current Date],[Baseline
Start])/ProjDateDiff([Baseline Finish],[Baseline Start])),"0%")

This one calculates the difference in duration (working days according to
default calendar) between today's date and baseline start, divided with the
diff between BL start and BL finish and expressed as a percentage. With an
extra check to make sure the percentage never exceeds 100%.

/Lars Hammarberg

Ram Uppu said:

I see this following thread (you can see the thread after my messageat the
bottom)regarding stoplights in project center view in PWA. Our
uses "% work completed" to record progress of work. Based on Dale's
it aprreas to me that the approch he suggested will not work for us. I am
using the following formula in project Task summary view to show whether a
task is slipping its date based on how much work has been completed and
much time remaining from today

I defined a Enterprise Task Number Field with following formula IIf([%
Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work Complete]<>100 And
Duration])/480)-(ProjDateDiff(CDate(Date()),[Baseline Finish]))/480,0)))

and defined Graphic indicators based on the the values.

This formula works fine in individual project view, but when I try to use
the similar approch by defining an enterprise project number field and use
formula like this

IIf(cDbl([Duration])=0,-8888,IIf([% Work Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work
Complete]<>100 And cDbl([Duration])>0,(cDbl([Remaining
Duration])/480)-(ProjDateDiff(CDate(Date()),[Baseline Finish]))/480,0))))

It is not showing proper results for me. I went ahead replaced above
with follwoing based on Dare response with the following formula

IIf(cDbl([Duration])=0,-8888,IIf([% Work Complete]=100,-9999,(IIf([% Work
Complete]<>100 And cDbl([Duration])>0,[Enterprise Project Number4],0))))

Where ,[Enterprise Project Number4] = %work complte - % complete.

But this is not working either. According to Dale this will work if we use
%work complete to report work progress. And we are doing that exactly. So
can I get proper indicator on project center base on how much % work
completed as of today and remaining work and remaininig time frame between
today and baseline finish date.

Any help will be greatly appreciate as I spent so much of time already
regarding this



Byron --

If your organization uses the Hours of work done per day or per week
of tracking progress, then you could compare the % Work Complete against
% Complete. If the % Complete is greater than the % Work Complete, then
task work has fallen behind schedule. This would be an indirect way to
extract the data you wish.

If your organization is using the % Work Complete or Actual Work and
Remaining Work methods of tracking, the above approach will not work.
this helps.

Byron M said:
Dale, this was useful but I am still struggling to display what I want.
want to compare actual work done against a baseline figure of how much
should have been done at any point in the project. For example, if a
is 20 days (150hrs) in baseline duration and the work is spread evenly.
the end of day 10 75hrs of work should be complete; however the only
can extract is actual hours worked. Is there anyway of getting the other



Byron --

Refer to the following link to get some ideas of how this can be
accomplished: Documents/CreateStoplightIndicators.htm

Please note that the information contained in the above link
how to create a set of stoplight indicators to show the date slippage
(Finish Variance) for the project and for tasks in the project. Use the
knowledge you glean from this information to create your own stoplight
indicators according to your organization's project management
methodologies. Hope this helps.

I would like to display a traffic light type indicator when I look a
of Enterprise projects in Project Centre on PWA. The indicator would
show the current status of each project at the moment in time. Does
know if this can be done?

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