stop reproducing templates



When I open Word (Office 2003) in the blank document and then just close it.
It reproduces another template. How can I stop this?

I recently had the problem of: When I start Word or create a new document,
it has the text of an old document in it. I throught I fixed it but I am
left with the above. Please help.


Suzanna: I found everything you wrote helpful. Here is some more of my
problem: First, I do not have any text in the blank ( Second, I
am not asked how I want to save it. Third, if I exit the blank no revisions
document it automaticly saves it as a template. I can delete some of the
templates up to the last one then, I get a message that says its being used
by another program. I'm ready to pull my hair out. I'm so afarid I haven't
opened word I'll have 400 templates of everything I do?
Help oh please help,


Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
Have you followed the advice in to look for
add-ins that may be causing this behavior?
I did get it to stop but to be honest with you I don't know how I did!
I opened word and went straight to templates there I found my blank one and
opened it. From than on it has been doing just fine. I open word and get
the blank document which I can save with a new name. It seems to be o-k
I did check out all the avenues you told me to maybe I tweaked something
anyway I learned from what you told me.
Thanks for taking the time to keep up with me.

Charles Kenyon

You should not ordinarily be opening the file. Opening means that
the title of your document at the top of the screen is "" I don't
know from your post if this is what you are doing. If it is, write back and
someone can help you.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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