Stop showing updates to missing office features


Ben Bitbanger

I found it very annoying that every time I check for updates to Office 2003,
the microsoft update site
"" lists the following four updates...

Update for Office 2003 French Grammar Checker (KB873381)
Update for Office 2003 French Spelling Checker and Thesaurus (KB892258)
Update for Visio 2003 French Spelling Checker and Thesaurus (KB892293)
Update for Outlook 2003 Junk Email Filter (KB896999)

When I installed Office 2003, I did not install any support for French, or
any other foreign language. I also did not install Outlook 2003. I
installed just Word, Excel, and Visio.

The fact that the Microsoft web site continuously tells me hat I need these
updates undemines my faith in whether or not the web site can properly
determine if my system needs any updates at all. And without trust that the
web site can correctly tell me if/when my system needs updating, the update
service is worthless!

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suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
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