Stop vs CompleteThrough



Could somebody please explain clearly what the difference is between the two
when you are using them for progress reporting. I have run a search but
cannot seem to find a definative answer.

Many thanks in advance.


Mike Glen

Hi Andrew,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

As I see it, the Stop field is the date and time that a task stops: eg 15
Oct 17:00. Whereas Complete Through includes non-working time up to the
next working minute: eg if a task is stopped for the weekend on Friday 17:00
but it is planned to run over the week end, complete through will compute to
Monday 08:00. This data is only really relevant to the drawing of Gantt

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Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
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Jim Aksel

From the VBA Object Browser:
[The Stop property of a Task Object] [r]eturns or sets the date on which a
task stops. [Of type:] Read/write Variant.

There is a sister property: Resume -- Returns or sets the date a task will
resume. Read/write Variant.

I am not able to find "Complete" or "CompleteThrough" as properties or
Methods of the Task Object. However, CompleteThrough is used in the task
formatting on the Gantt bars.

There was a post similar to this where Julie Sheets answered a question.
What she was talking about was how Progress Lines are drawn within the Gantt
Bars on a schedule. If you specify the Progress Line to end at "Complete
Through" or "Stop" you will get different results.

If Status Date is set to a Friday, if you draw the progress bar from [Actual
Start] to [Complete Through] the bar will color through Sunday night. If you
specify [Stop] instead of [Complete Through] the progress bar stops at 5PM on
the Status date.

Cleas as mud, right?

Checking the Application Object, I see Application.GanttBarStleEdit (method)
has an optional property of "To" which specifies "The name of a date field
specifying the end of the Gantt bar"
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Jim Aksel, MVP

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