Stopping Compact and Repair (and Compact on Close) - Records Disappear




when I do the CR or CoC and interrupt it (or stop it) using ESC or
Crtl-Break, records disappear from my table. The table has 300,000
records in it to start with.

I am using a Access 2000 mdb with Access XP (2002) on a Win XP Pro PC.

I have exported the table with the disappearing records to a new mdb
(still A2000) and I have also made a new table (with make-table query)
in the new mdb file. But the problem is still there.

(This does not happen if I do not interrupt the CR or CoC.)

Thanks in advance for your help,

Jerry Whittle

Patient: My head hurts when I bang it against a wall.
Doctor: Then quit doing that!

Don't do either unless you have time to let it complete. Also turn off
Compact on Close as I've see very bad things happen with it.

John Vinson

when I do the CR or CoC and interrupt it (or stop it) using ESC or
Crtl-Break, records disappear from my table.
(This does not happen if I do not interrupt the CR or CoC.)

Well... then don't DO that! <g>

The Compact process creates a new database (db1.mdb by default),
copies your table data into it, and renames it when it's done. I would
suggest not starting a compact unless you intend to finish it!

Do you have a db1.mdb (or db<some number>.mdb) file in the same folder
after this happens? See what it contains...

John W. Vinson[MVP]


I have checked this. There is no dbx.mdb after I stop the compacting
process (I watch the folder), but the size of the original file is a
lot smaller - probably because data is gone. And because the dbx.mdb
is used, the original mdb that is being compacted should not be
affected - but I have records disappearing on me and the original file
size is smaller.

Also, since Microsoft put in the feature of stopping/interupting the
compacting process, I would think that it is perfectly OK to use it -
Microsoft also does not warning not to use the feature (I didn't see
anything in their knowledge base).

Thanks for the input.


I have also created a new db and table from scratch, loaded 300,000
dummy records. Then I ran the compact on other PC's and stopped it
half way through. Records are still deleted.

Douglas J Steele

I don't have Access 2002 installed on this machine (nor on any other at the
moment, for that matter), so I can't check the Help file, but I'd be shocked
if they actually recommended doing that (as opposed to saying that it was

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