Stopping IE6 caching a page.



I know that this has been covered before but I am unable to make any of the
fixes work.

I have set up a discussion web using Frontpage 98's Discussion wizard. The
table of contents frame does not refresh.

Refreshing or reloading the page doesn't help despite have IE6 set to check
for a newer version of a page on each visit to the page. I have included
<meta HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
and <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"> in the head section of the page
and followed Microsoft's own fix of including this in a second head section
placed below the page's body section (annoyingly, considering this is a MS
fix the FP98 editor removes the second head section and transfers it into
the first so I've had to use notepad).

None of this works, the only way to make the toc page refresh is to manually
clear the cache or open the tempory files folder and delete disc1_tocf.htm.
It is hardly fair to expect people to use the forum with these problems.

As soon as the toc page reloads it is cached restarting the cycle. I am
losted as to how to resolve this problem.

I am using Frontpage 98b and testing the forum with Internet Explorer 6. I
assume the problem lies with IE6 which doesn't seem able to even to spot a
newer version of the page on the server. Is there any way to stop IE6
caching this page or, failing that, any javascript or suchlike that could be
used from the page to delete itself from the cache?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.

With Kind Regards,

Thomas A. Rowe

The user must reload or refresh the page in order to see any changes. The
no-cache tags, just stop the browser from caching the page, however the
browser still has to request the page again to see any changes.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe

Are you sure that your host or ISP isn't caching files?


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Thanks for the help Thomas, no I'm not sure that the ISP isn't caching
pages, do I need to contact them and find out?

Initially, when I set up the discussion web I didn't include the nocache
tags, it was only when refreshing didn't work here that I added them (there
was a Microsoft help article laying out what to
do -
com:80/support/kb/articles/Q222/0/64.ASP&NoWebContent=1 ).

Thanks again for your help, I'll keep trying.

With Kind Regards


I've just republished the Discussion web after making a few changes and all
the posts have dissapeared!!

I think I'll just give up, trying to get a working discussion forum going
has been a nightmare.

Thanks again for the help.

With Kind Regards,

Tom Pepper Willett

When you publish the Discussion web from your hard drive to your online web,
it overwrites what is already on the server.

The discussion activity is taking place on the host server, not on your
machine. So, if you wish to make changes, you should only do it on the
online version.
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| I've just republished the Discussion web after making a few changes and
| the posts have dissapeared!!
| I think I'll just give up, trying to get a working discussion forum going
| has been a nightmare.
| Thanks again for the help.
| With Kind Regards,
| Paul.

Steve Easton

Internet Explorer versions 5.0 and higher
ignore the no cache tags.
The content expires tags "should" force the browser
to go to the server to check for new pages.

There actually is no tag or setting that will prevent
a browser from caching a page, and the browser needs to
be set to check on every visit.

Also, AOL caches everything except https:// pages.

Tom Pepper Willett

Google also caches pages.
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| Internet Explorer versions 5.0 and higher
| ignore the no cache tags.
| The content expires tags "should" force the browser
| to go to the server to check for new pages.
| There actually is no tag or setting that will prevent
| a browser from caching a page, and the browser needs to
| be set to check on every visit.
| Also, AOL caches everything except https:// pages.
| --
| 95isalive
| This site is best viewed...............
| ..........................with a computer
| | > I know that this has been covered before but I am unable to make any of
| the
| > fixes work.
| >
| > I have set up a discussion web using Frontpage 98's Discussion wizard.
| > table of contents frame does not refresh.
| >
| > Refreshing or reloading the page doesn't help despite have IE6 set to
| check
| > for a newer version of a page on each visit to the page. I have included
| > <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
| > and <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"> in the head section of the
| page
| > and followed Microsoft's own fix of including this in a second head
| section
| > placed below the page's body section (annoyingly, considering this is a
| > fix the FP98 editor removes the second head section and transfers it
| > the first so I've had to use notepad).
| >
| > None of this works, the only way to make the toc page refresh is to
| manually
| > clear the cache or open the tempory files folder and delete
| disc1_tocf.htm.
| > It is hardly fair to expect people to use the forum with these problems.
| >
| > As soon as the toc page reloads it is cached restarting the cycle. I am
| > losted as to how to resolve this problem.
| >
| > I am using Frontpage 98b and testing the forum with Internet Explorer 6.
| > assume the problem lies with IE6 which doesn't seem able to even to spot
| > newer version of the page on the server. Is there any way to stop IE6
| > caching this page or, failing that, any javascript or suchlike that
| be
| > used from the page to delete itself from the cache?
| >
| > Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
| >
| > With Kind Regards,
| > Paul.
| >
| >
| >

Steve Easton

However the difference with AOL is
that if you are an AOL user, when you
open a web site AOL will automatically
serve up the cached version. You only
get the cached Google version if you do a search
and then click on the cached page link.

Tom Pepper Willett

That's correct. Thanks for pointing that out, Steve.

Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| Yep.
| However the difference with AOL is
| that if you are an AOL user, when you
| open a web site AOL will automatically
| serve up the cached version. You only
| get the cached Google version if you do a search
| and then click on the cached page link.
| --
| 95isalive
| This site is best viewed...............
| ..........................with a computer
| | > Google also caches pages.
| > --
| > -----
| > Tom Pepper Willett
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > -----
| > | > | Internet Explorer versions 5.0 and higher
| > | ignore the no cache tags.
| > | The content expires tags "should" force the browser
| > | to go to the server to check for new pages.
| > |
| > | There actually is no tag or setting that will prevent
| > | a browser from caching a page, and the browser needs to
| > | be set to check on every visit.
| > |
| > | Also, AOL caches everything except https:// pages.
| > |
| > | --
| > | 95isalive
| > | This site is best viewed...............
| > | ..........................with a computer
| > | | > | > I know that this has been covered before but I am unable to make any
| of
| > | the
| > | > fixes work.
| > | >
| > | > I have set up a discussion web using Frontpage 98's Discussion
| > The
| > | > table of contents frame does not refresh.
| > | >
| > | > Refreshing or reloading the page doesn't help despite have IE6 set
| > | check
| > | > for a newer version of a page on each visit to the page. I have
| included
| > | > <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
| > | > and <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"> in the head section of
| the
| > | page
| > | > and followed Microsoft's own fix of including this in a second head
| > | section
| > | > placed below the page's body section (annoyingly, considering this
| a
| > MS
| > | > fix the FP98 editor removes the second head section and transfers it
| > into
| > | > the first so I've had to use notepad).
| > | >
| > | > None of this works, the only way to make the toc page refresh is to
| > | manually
| > | > clear the cache or open the tempory files folder and delete
| > | disc1_tocf.htm.
| > | > It is hardly fair to expect people to use the forum with these
| problems.
| > | >
| > | > As soon as the toc page reloads it is cached restarting the cycle. I
| am
| > | > losted as to how to resolve this problem.
| > | >
| > | > I am using Frontpage 98b and testing the forum with Internet
| 6.
| > I
| > | > assume the problem lies with IE6 which doesn't seem able to even to
| spot
| > a
| > | > newer version of the page on the server. Is there any way to stop
| > | > caching this page or, failing that, any javascript or suchlike that
| > could
| > | be
| > | > used from the page to delete itself from the cache?
| > | >
| > | > Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
| > | >
| > | > With Kind Regards,
| > | > Paul.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >

Stefan B Rusynko

FYI there are ways to get around the AOL caching

| Yep.
| However the difference with AOL is
| that if you are an AOL user, when you
| open a web site AOL will automatically
| serve up the cached version. You only
| get the cached Google version if you do a search
| and then click on the cached page link.
| --
| 95isalive
| This site is best viewed...............
| ..........................with a computer
| | > Google also caches pages.
| > --
| > -----
| > Tom Pepper Willett
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > -----
| > | > | Internet Explorer versions 5.0 and higher
| > | ignore the no cache tags.
| > | The content expires tags "should" force the browser
| > | to go to the server to check for new pages.
| > |
| > | There actually is no tag or setting that will prevent
| > | a browser from caching a page, and the browser needs to
| > | be set to check on every visit.
| > |
| > | Also, AOL caches everything except https:// pages.
| > |
| > | --
| > | 95isalive
| > | This site is best viewed...............
| > | ..........................with a computer
| > | | > | > I know that this has been covered before but I am unable to make any
| of
| > | the
| > | > fixes work.
| > | >
| > | > I have set up a discussion web using Frontpage 98's Discussion wizard.
| > The
| > | > table of contents frame does not refresh.
| > | >
| > | > Refreshing or reloading the page doesn't help despite have IE6 set to
| > | check
| > | > for a newer version of a page on each visit to the page. I have
| included
| > | > <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
| > | > and <meta HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"> in the head section of
| the
| > | page
| > | > and followed Microsoft's own fix of including this in a second head
| > | section
| > | > placed below the page's body section (annoyingly, considering this is
| a
| > MS
| > | > fix the FP98 editor removes the second head section and transfers it
| > into
| > | > the first so I've had to use notepad).
| > | >
| > | > None of this works, the only way to make the toc page refresh is to
| > | manually
| > | > clear the cache or open the tempory files folder and delete
| > | disc1_tocf.htm.
| > | > It is hardly fair to expect people to use the forum with these
| problems.
| > | >
| > | > As soon as the toc page reloads it is cached restarting the cycle. I
| am
| > | > losted as to how to resolve this problem.
| > | >
| > | > I am using Frontpage 98b and testing the forum with Internet Explorer
| 6.
| > I
| > | > assume the problem lies with IE6 which doesn't seem able to even to
| spot
| > a
| > | > newer version of the page on the server. Is there any way to stop IE6
| > | > caching this page or, failing that, any javascript or suchlike that
| > could
| > | be
| > | > used from the page to delete itself from the cache?
| > | >
| > | > Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
| > | >
| > | > With Kind Regards,
| > | > Paul.
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >

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