I have many auto generated tables imported into WORD2002. I would like to
never have a row break across a page. I cannot do this with styles (keep
lines together or keep with next does not do it. Keep with next will work
if the table is less than 1 page in length. It will skip to next page and
put the entire table there. However, if the table is greater than 1 page,
the keep with next on every row but last cannot be honored and appears to
be ignored). The Table Properties-Row has a check box "Allow row to break
across pages", which is checked. Unchecking this does solve the problem.
Can I set the default to unchecked in my template? If so, How? Or,
Would someone kindly provide a macro which will uncheck this for every
table in a document..
Aside: Why is the k in the check box description underlined?
never have a row break across a page. I cannot do this with styles (keep
lines together or keep with next does not do it. Keep with next will work
if the table is less than 1 page in length. It will skip to next page and
put the entire table there. However, if the table is greater than 1 page,
the keep with next on every row but last cannot be honored and appears to
be ignored). The Table Properties-Row has a check box "Allow row to break
across pages", which is checked. Unchecking this does solve the problem.
Can I set the default to unchecked in my template? If so, How? Or,
Would someone kindly provide a macro which will uncheck this for every
table in a document..
Aside: Why is the k in the check box description underlined?