I'm currently downloading data from SQL Server tables and storing that data
locally for use at application run time. This data doesn't change often,
select list data, etc.
The SQL Server tables have timestamp fields on them which I want to store
locally in a scripting dictionary, so that I can perform a comparison in
certain scenarios to verify if the records have changed on the SQL server.
As such, I have the following code running a pass-through query:
For Each varName In varTableList
' Iterate the list of tables, and call the code which loads them
blnResult = GetTimestampData("Select max(Updated) as Updated From tbl"
& varName, "" & varName)
Next varName
GetTimestampData runs creates the connection, runs the query and opens the
recordset to it.
So my issue is this:
a debug.print rec("Updated") prints a list of ?'s and I'm not sure what that
Do I just throw that data into a variant or something which preserves the
data even though access can't interpret it?
If I Select Convert(Datetime,max(Updated),100) as Updated From tbl" & varName
I can get a date back (obviously) but without milliseconds displayed it
seems like im loosing the timestampiness of the timestamp. If I try to use
the 109 format # of convert, it seems to be ignoring it.
*sigh* I hope this explanation isn't too muddled for someone to help with
what I'm trying to accomplish!
locally for use at application run time. This data doesn't change often,
select list data, etc.
The SQL Server tables have timestamp fields on them which I want to store
locally in a scripting dictionary, so that I can perform a comparison in
certain scenarios to verify if the records have changed on the SQL server.
As such, I have the following code running a pass-through query:
For Each varName In varTableList
' Iterate the list of tables, and call the code which loads them
blnResult = GetTimestampData("Select max(Updated) as Updated From tbl"
& varName, "" & varName)
Next varName
GetTimestampData runs creates the connection, runs the query and opens the
recordset to it.
So my issue is this:
a debug.print rec("Updated") prints a list of ?'s and I'm not sure what that
Do I just throw that data into a variant or something which preserves the
data even though access can't interpret it?
If I Select Convert(Datetime,max(Updated),100) as Updated From tbl" & varName
I can get a date back (obviously) but without milliseconds displayed it
seems like im loosing the timestampiness of the timestamp. If I try to use
the 109 format # of convert, it seems to be ignoring it.
*sigh* I hope this explanation isn't too muddled for someone to help with
what I'm trying to accomplish!