Storing information from calculeted fields


Arlindo Fragoso

I'm a newbie and I've a simple question: I've a calculeted field (pupils
age) in a form and I want to store that value in a table. How to do this?
Arlindo Fragoso

Graham R Seach


<<I want to store that value in a table>>
Don't. It is unwise to store calculated values. Since they can be calculated
at will (and in your case calculating an age is very easy), you are better
to do the calculation in a query or on a form/report, as needed.

The following code demonstrates how to calculate a peron's age:
intAge = Abs(DateDiff("yyyy", DOB, Date()) - IIf(Format(DOB, "mmdd") <=
Format(Date(), "mmdd"), 0, 1))

(Watch out for word-wrap. The above code should all be on one line).

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

Microsoft Access 2003 VBA Programmer's Reference

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