storing links to pictures in a table and showing the picture in a form



right know i am using a OLE object in my table and storing
the picture as a link only, that way i don't fill up my
database with data. but when i go to my form all i can see
is a clickable link to my picture. is there anyway to
actually show the picture in the form without storing the
picture in the database?


Use the Image Control instead of an Object Frame control.
If your pictures are all the same dimensions, use a sample
picture to size the frame around it. If your pictures are
of different dimensions, make your frame square and set
the Picture Alignment property to "top left". In this
case, there will be a certain amount of dead space at the
bottom or right depending upon the dimensions of each
picture. Then set the following properties of the Image
Picture - "(none)"
SizeMode - Zoom
Picture Type - Embedded
Picture Alignment - [see above]
Picture Tiling - No

Depending upon the coding, the table will have a text
field (not an OLE field) that holds the file name or
complete path to each picture. Check the Northwind sample
database for version 2002, where they have switched to the
Image control in their Employees form.

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