Straight Line with Pen?




One thing that I'm surprised that OneNote doesn't provide/allow (at least
I'm not aware of it and haven't found it yet), is the ability to limit a pen
stroke to a straight line.
If any of you are familiar with PhotoShop, when the Pen tool is selected,
you can hold down either the Ctrl or Shift button (can't remember) and it
locks the "y" coordinate in place so that you can only draw a straight line
in the "x" direction (regardless of how far off drawing a straight line on
your own you were). For instance, if you held down one of those buttons and
started to draw your line at a 45 degree angle up and to the right, it would
only register (and draw) a line perfectly horizontal as far right on the "x"
coordinate as your diagonal line had gone.
You'd think that OneNote would have this functionality since half of the
notetaking I do (and I'm assuming I'm not alone), is on top of typed text.

If anybody knows of how to do this. please let me know.



Erik Sojka (MVP)

I can confirm that what you're seeing is correct - there's no way in the
current version to create straight lines.

I don't know offhand if it's been announced if it is in the new version
of OneNote, due later this year.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

The primitive way in the current version is to place a straight-edge over
your screen and run your stylus along it to create the straight line.

Chris and Owen have alluded in their blogs to "drawing tools" in the next
version so I would think that probably includes some facility for straight


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

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