Strange Behavior opening Word Document in iframe



We have a website that links to Word Documents - these are opened in an
iframe so that they show in a browser window. The code for the iframe
page is very simple - excluding the HTML & HEAD tags it looks like

<iframe src="" height="100%"

This worked fine with IE6 and IE7 with Word 2000/XP/2003. The browser
would have Word inside its window frame.

With Word 2007, the following behavior is observed:

1) The browser with the iframe comes up blank
2) Word 2007 opens up in its own window with the document
3) if you do it again, on a similar link to another document, Word
"flashes" its window and will not open up the next document until you
click Word.

In our site we usually have a list of documents that the user may click
on, and they may do this many times. Is there any way to force Word to
open up in the browser window, like it did with 2000/XP/2003?


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