Strange Behavior with Digitally Signed Messages 2003 and 2007


John Jablonski

Here's a strange one. Thanks for giving me a minute to explain. I had this
issue with Outlook 2003 installed on my home computer and it seems to have
followed me to Outlook 2007. The problem does not seem to occur on my work
computer with Outlook 2003.

When I view a digitally signed message at home, Outlook forces me to view it
in plain text. I know I have an option to force this, but the "View in Plain
Text" options are off, both for normal messages and for secure messages.

It's even a little worse. Not only does Outlook want to show me the message
in plain text, it also converts the message in the folder into plain text.
Here's where Outlook 2007 is a little more friendly. When I click on a
digitally signed HTML message, Outlook 2007 gives me a warning that the
message is about to be modified and that this modification would make the
signature invalid, and asks if I want to save the modifications? If I say
no, the message still appears in plain text, only the underlying copy in the
folder has not been changed to plain text.

If I say yes, then the message in the folder is changed, and the next time I
view the message at work, then the HTML formatting is lost.

I say 2007 is more friendly because in Outlook 2003, this conversion of my
messages was done with no warning and no way to "say no" and preserve the
HTML formatting of the underlying message in the folder.

It's my understanding that the "Read in plain Text" option will affect only
the current view of the message and not change the underlying copy in the
folder, and, as I said, these options are not checked anyway.

I have re-installed Outlook 2007 a couple times. Each time, I have tried to
do a clean-up of the registry to get rid of any lingering settings from
Outlook 2003 or prior. I tried manually removing the Office information from
the registry and I also tried a program called RegistryCleaner. The behavior

I would really appreciate any ideas you might have as to what is causing
this behavior. Thank you for your time.

-- John
John Jablonski
Greystone Solutions - Boston

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