Strange cross-referencing problem


Mad Dog

Hey all:

I have a 150 page doc with many cross references. Outlined, uses
number headers. Each cross ref typically shows heading number,
heading text, finally heading page. Been doing this for years, many
docs, never a problem with it.

Today, with this doc, I notice that many -- not all -- the heading
numbers are off by one digit. Ex: Actual heading number is 5.1.
Word links it as 25.1. Seems to be random insertion of one digit
before the actual numbered heading. Local F9 updates fixed nothing; a
global F9 update actually propogated the problem everywhere. Text and
page number references are fine. TOC fine. The heading are number as
they always have been. But the references are useless.

Anyone have any advice on this. I have no idea how to fix the

Michael D.

Mad Dog

Found it. Very odd. Word had decided to renumber 3 lists within the
document. Each one had used simple numbering, not outline number.
Word changed these to extra bold numbers, very different looking,
which were apparently linked to outline structure somehow as outline
numbering. They did not appear in the outline, nor in the TOC, and
none of the heading that followed these were affected. It was only
when I referred to one of those headings that the extra digit showed
up. I changed those few lists back to simple numbering, and the
problem disappeared. I like that in an application, initiative!!

Michael D.

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