Strange Error with Excel 2007 - What does it Mean?




I can reproduce this error but can get rid of it.

I run my macros that places a number of lines etc onto a worksheet. If
I save this workbook as a .xlsm file then resopen it - everything is

BUT - if I copy, via macro, a sheet from an old 2003 .xls file, then
run the macros to build the lines etc and the workbook saved as
a .xlsm file. Then when I reopen it, I get the following error

Excel found unreadable content in '..........'. Do you
want to recover the contents of this workbook?

after pressing 'Yes'

Removed part: /xl/frawings/drawing1.xml part. (Drawing

Copy of the error log is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<recoveryLog xmlns="
<summary>Errors were detected in file 'C:\Gantt .........xlsm'</
<removedParts summary="Following is a list of removed parts:">
<removedPart>Removed Part: /xl/drawings/drawing1.xml part. (Drawing

(screenshot also available, if required)

Then after I open, run the same macro to build the lines etc, save
as .xlsm file, it opens OK.

The error is reproduced if I fo the COPY again.

If I just to the copy and save as .xlsm, the file opens OK. But if I
then do the line build, save it fails again.

I don't think the problem is in the macros that build the lines
because after the first error, you can run the line builder macro and
save as many times as you like without the error.

Any help greatly appreciated.

I can email copies of the files in various stages of bug production if
that helps anyone.



Ok, I'll bite - all that you've got in the way of files and description of
how to repeat the error to (remove spaces) HelpFrom @ jlathamsite. com


Ok, I'll bite - all that you've got in the way of files and description of
how to repeat the error to (remove spaces) HelpFrom @ jlathamsite. com

- Show quoted text -

Do you know what this error means? I don;t know where it comes from
nor what causes it. I'll email you what files I have.

Not much is the description because I don't really know much about the
problem other than its a problem - sorry.


Haven't a clue as to what the error code means. And I don't work with .xml
files, and it apparently is related to that. Quite possibly there's a
problem saving drawings in the .xml format. Perhaps an indication of a
problem in the graphic engine (that's a WAG, not even a SWAG). But if I can
duplicate the effort with your files, then I'll take them and pass them on up
the line and let those who do know how to interpret the code and how the .xml
format is supposed to work look at it and hopefully give some insight to it
all to us (although they may just report back that it is/isn't Excel problem,
and may indicate something like "operator error"? Not saying it is, just
that it's something we may hear).

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