John, I started this db in 1999 when I started to work for my present
company. They had no computer related way of tracking employee information
(i.e., name, address, ssn, phone, etc.). I tried excel spreadsheets but you
know that doesn't work. With no previous knowledge it was trial and error in
setting up the Access db. I probably started out wrong, but I created a db
called Employees. In that I have many fields.
Work location, pay rate, craft description, DOH, term date, reason for term,
date eligible for insurance, type of insurance, date of drug screen, and the
list goes on.
In addition, I work out of two offices so I have a master on the main office
computer and have made a replica on a memory stick to carry out to the
jobsite so I can work there too. Then come back and update the briefcase at
the main office.
This has happened several times before and I have had to "rebuild" so to
speak my information. Most recently I have a field called 401k with a drop
down list of events. Next to that field is a field called 401k eligible
which I enter a date they can participate. That is the field that has
changed to numbers.
Also, for some reason, fields named "Temp 0 and Temp 1, have been created,
also with numbers and I don't know why.
I'm sorry for such a long explanation but I am about to pull my hair out
over this. I have put many hours into creating this which (over time) has a
total of 2500 employee entries.