Hello, can someone tell me why the result in Cell E1 isnt 0 as in cel
E2 on the attached spreadsheet.
By changing the values in A and B and re-entering the result from
into D you seem to sometimes get a value of 0 and sometimes thi
bizzare negative value. Collumn E is set to 'General' but when set t
'Number' it appears as 0 but subsequent formulas sont pick this up a
It appears very strange, or am i just being thick?
Attachment filename: book2.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=44926
E2 on the attached spreadsheet.
By changing the values in A and B and re-entering the result from
into D you seem to sometimes get a value of 0 and sometimes thi
bizzare negative value. Collumn E is set to 'General' but when set t
'Number' it appears as 0 but subsequent formulas sont pick this up a
It appears very strange, or am i just being thick?
Attachment filename: book2.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=44926