The Critcal Path is defined as the set of tasks that if lengthed would result
in the lengthening of the overall duration of the project.
When I select 'Critical' in my filter only a handful of tasks appear. This
is not correct. If I lengthen the duration of task that is scheduled just
prior to the my alleged 'critical tasks' (the same reosurce does both tasks)
and then run the leveling algorithm the end date of my project is set to a
later date.
My question is why is the task that is scheduled just before the critical
task not appear critical? Am I doing something wrong?
in the lengthening of the overall duration of the project.
When I select 'Critical' in my filter only a handful of tasks appear. This
is not correct. If I lengthen the duration of task that is scheduled just
prior to the my alleged 'critical tasks' (the same reosurce does both tasks)
and then run the leveling algorithm the end date of my project is set to a
later date.
My question is why is the task that is scheduled just before the critical
task not appear critical? Am I doing something wrong?