Strange, on refocus, subform are greyed out



I have a unbound form with fields for criteria used in the three subforms.
The form contains a option box for selecting one of three reports. There is
command button to generate one of three reports in preview mode using query
used in the the corresponding subform.

After reviewing the report in preview mode and closing the window using the
close button, the main form window is displayed but the subforms are greyed
out (shown as grey retangles on the main form). I've tried several VBA thing
(sendkeys, repaint, etc on got focus) but none of them work. The progress bar
at the bottom shows "calculatiing" but even after an extended period of time
the subform do not "reappear". Each subform has a header as well as a detail
section. If you mouse click in one of the subform headers, nothing happens.
But if you mouse click in the detail section of any of the subforms, all
subforms "redisplays".

Another strange thing is with a certain combination of swithing window, if
you go from a the VB editor window back to the main form window, the subform
area appear as "tranparent window" so the VB code show through the subform
A control+F9 manually will redisplay the main form and subforms properly.


Jim T.

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