Strange Paths to Notebooks



All of a sudden, the paths to my Notebooks are messed up. Instead of pointing
to the network path where they are situated, the path in OneNote 2007 begins
with http:// and then follows with a partial UNC address. When I try to open
an existing notebook I get a message that there are "no sections open in this
notebook or section group." I then have to right-click the notebook, go to
properties, and manually change the path to the correct path. Then everything
is fine, until I close the particular notebook and then need to reopen it

While I can still use the program, this is most annoying and time consuming.

Is there a setting that perhaps got messed up? Any suggestions?

While I am not completely sure when it started, I think this started when I
installed SP1.


C Rubin

Ilya Koulchin

crubin said:
All of a sudden, the paths to my Notebooks are messed up. Instead of pointing
to the network path where they are situated, the path in OneNote 2007 begins
with http:// and then follows with a partial UNC address. When I try to open
an existing notebook I get a message that there are "no sections open in this
notebook or section group." I then have to right-click the notebook, go to
properties, and manually change the path to the correct path. Then everything
is fine, until I close the particular notebook and then need to reopen it

While I can still use the program, this is most annoying and time consuming.

Is there a setting that perhaps got messed up? Any suggestions?

While I am not completely sure when it started, I think this started when I
installed SP1.

This all sounds like it might be caused by a bug that got introduced
with SP1. For more details, see David Rasmussen's blog:

The easy fix would be to not close the notebooks, and just keep them
open once you've set it up.

Either way, I'd like to try to reproduce the problem here, so could you
post the specifics of the server? Particularly:
* what OS+version it is running?
* what web server it is running?
* is WebDAV support enabled, and if so, which implementation?
* what software it is running to provide UNC file shares, if any
* is the same location available through both UNC and WebDAV (ie, are
both http://server/share and \\server\share accessible for some path?),
and if so, are your notebooks stored in such a location?
* what OS are you running on the client?



Ilya -

Here are the answers to your questions, some of which I had to get from our
network service guy:
* what OS+version it is running?
Windows Server 2003 Small Business Server, Service Pack 2 (not R2)

* what web server it is running?
Microsoft Internet Informations Services (IIS), version 6.0
* is WebDAV support enabled, and if so, which implementation?
Prohibited in IIS Web Service Extensions, version is default (installed with
* what software it is running to provide UNC file shares, if any
Windows file & printer sharing (buit-in to the OS)

* is the same location available through both UNC and WebDAV (ie, are
both http://server/share and \\server\share accessible for some path?),
and if so, are your notebooks stored in such a location?

The notebooks are stored on a SNAP server appliance, along with most of our
firm's data.

The following commands, executed on the principal server, bring up the same
a. Open Internet Explorer & enter the following address:
b. Start, Run, \\snap1\tescher_sys\wpdata
c. Start, Run, F:\wpdata

with the notebooks being stored in subdirectories under the wpdata directory.
* what OS are you running on the client?
Windows XP, SP2

Since I have a different notebook per client, keeping all notebooks open is
something of a pain. Therefore, if there are any solutions to the problem,
please let me know.

Alternatively, I could copy over all the notebooks to my local C: drive and
access them there - but a question for you first - if I do that, will I lose
the hyperlinks I have between notebook pages? I guess I can test that out
myself, but I thought I'd try you first!

Thanks for your help.


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