Strange problem - combo box is empty


Steven Graham


I'm hoping someone can help me here.

We have a transport management database that has been in use for several
years. The database is split with the backend sitting on the server and the
frontend on the PC. It is in Access 2000 file format and all PC's run Access
2003 and XP Pro.

The database runs on 8 PC's with no problems at all.

However on 3 PC's we get a strange problem with vehicles.

If we try to edit a vehicle the combo box comes up blank. The scroll bars
are there but there is no text displayed. If you scroll down and click
anywhere in the empty white drop down area it will select that vehicle and
bring up the form to allow you to edit the vehicle.

As I said there are other PC's that are working without any problems. If we
take a copy of the front end file from the working PC's to the problem PC's
the problem still exists. All the problem PC's are HP's but we have HP's
that are working ok as well. We have compared Office settings etc but cannot
find the problem.

Anyone have any ideas?


Steven Graham

One of the PC's that work has SP3 installed, I remember checking last week
but the 3 PC's with the problems will all have SP3.

Does this affect all PC's with SP3 or only some?

I will try the hotfix in the morning.


Steven Graham


The hotfix worked perfectly..problem now solved.

Thanks for your help

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