Olu Solaru
Sorry for the long post, thought I was done with this project, just happened
to stumble upon this little problem..
In my report generation form (Reports Menu).
If I select a report to run, it displays a parameter form, with a combo box
to select my parameters.
The problem I am having is that if I decide to exit from the parameter form
(..decide not to run the report), Access then proceeds to display the actual
criteria field from the query from which the report was based on.
On my paramter form is a quit button, once I click quit, I expect it close
the parameter form, but the reports menu should still be displayed (...which
it is), but I am not sure why the criteria field is displaying. So what I am
getting is a parameter query with the following caption - Forms!frmTraining
Summary By SOP!Combo0.
Here is my event click code for my quit button(query paramter form)
On Error GoTo Err_Exit_Click
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Exit_Click
End Sub.
Conventional wisdom tells me that I may need to actually specify which form
is to be closed (within the DoCmd line).
Sorry for the long post, thought I was done with this project, just happened
to stumble upon this little problem..
to stumble upon this little problem..
In my report generation form (Reports Menu).
If I select a report to run, it displays a parameter form, with a combo box
to select my parameters.
The problem I am having is that if I decide to exit from the parameter form
(..decide not to run the report), Access then proceeds to display the actual
criteria field from the query from which the report was based on.
On my paramter form is a quit button, once I click quit, I expect it close
the parameter form, but the reports menu should still be displayed (...which
it is), but I am not sure why the criteria field is displaying. So what I am
getting is a parameter query with the following caption - Forms!frmTraining
Summary By SOP!Combo0.
Here is my event click code for my quit button(query paramter form)
On Error GoTo Err_Exit_Click
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Exit_Click
End Sub.
Conventional wisdom tells me that I may need to actually specify which form
is to be closed (within the DoCmd line).
Sorry for the long post, thought I was done with this project, just happened
to stumble upon this little problem..