Strange results in text box


larry m

Using powerpoint 2007.

Getting strange results when entering text that starts with capital or
special characters. Typing $4 results in the 4 overlaying the $ or Be
results in the e overlaying the B; or Gx has the x overlaying the G. Don't
seem to have a problem with other capital letters. Tried several fonts with
similar results. Doesn't happen consistenly and doesn't matter if in
bulleted list or not. Any ideas?

David Marcovitz

Using powerpoint 2007.

Getting strange results when entering text that starts with capital or
special characters. Typing $4 results in the 4 overlaying the $ or Be
results in the e overlaying the B; or Gx has the x overlaying the G. Don't
seem to have a problem with other capital letters. Tried several fonts with
similar results. Doesn't happen consistenly and doesn't matter if in
bulleted list or not. Any ideas?

See my earlier response to your question.

David M. Marcovitz
Author of _Powerful PowerPoint for Educators_
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP
Associate Professor, Loyola University Maryland

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