Strange Title Columns Print Issue



Hi all,

I am looking to print out multiple pages with title columns. My
worksheet has employees 1 to 100, each employee occupying a single
the title columns are fixed, (ie. column A). I am using some code
which does a test on a row and picks up the last used column...
There is a defined range called first cell and the print range is the
range from the first cell to the last used cell which is dynamic
depending on whether data is entered for that employee...
anyway... i've been experiencing this issue with printing...
the title columns appear to be the cause...
when i go to print out 1 or 2 pages it seems to be fine
however if i print several pages then... it will only print out 2 to 3
pages opposed to just say... 5.....
i don't understand why this is happening and it seems to be a bug in
excel because the code is picking up the correct print range....
i've also checked the page setup....
has anyone else come across a similar issue with printing?


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