You could write your own custom function. This is one that I wrote long
ago. It may not be the most efficient and with half a million records it
will be slow
Public Function Title_Case(strChange As Variant, _
Optional strAddedSeparators As String) As
'AUTHOR: John Spencer
'LAST MODIFIED: June 30, 1999
'DESCRIPTION: Changes characters in string to
'Uppercase the first letter of each word
'EXAMPLE: Title_Case("a Little red engine/that could")
' returns "A Little Red Engine/That Could"
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim strSeparator As String
strSeparator = " -&({[/:." & Chr(34) 'Uppercase character after
'one of these separator characters
'Chr 34 is double quote mark
Title_Case = strChange
If VarType(strChange) = vbString Then
If Len(strChange) > 0 Then
strSeparator = strSeparator & strAddedSeparators
strChange = UCase(Left(strChange, 1)) & _
LCase(Right(strChange, Len(strChange) - 1)) 'Do the first
For intCount = 2 To Len(strChange)
'UCase any letter that follows a space, dash, &, etc.
If InStr(strSeparator, Mid(strChange, intCount - 1, 1)) <> 0 Then
strChange = Left(strChange, intCount - 1) & _
UCase(Mid(strChange, intCount, 1)) & _
Mid(strChange, (intCount + 1))
End If
Next intCount
Title_Case = strChange
End If
Title_Case = strChange
End If 'vartype is string
End Function
John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County