Stretching task only spreads one resource's work


Martin Wilkinson

Extending a fixed work task's duration only re-spreads work for resources
whose work already "runs up" against the end date. Other resource's work
distribution remains unchanged.

I have a task which is Fixed Work.
The task has two resources called R1 and R2
R1 has 7 hours work, R2 has 10 hours work. The task has 17 hours total Work.
Both resources have a working time of 7 hours per day.
The task starts on Monday, so in Task Usage view, R1 is shown as working all
his 7 hours on Monday. R2 works 7 hours on Monday and the remaining 3 hours
on Tuesday.

If I extend the Duration to 3 days, R2’s work is recalculated to spread it
more thinly out over the new, longer duration. This is expected. However,
R1’s work remains all on the Monday – it is not spread out over the longer

If I use the Gantt view to shorten the end date of the task so that all the
work takes place in one day, then re-extend the end date, both resource’s
work is recalculated to spread it more thinly out over the new, longer

It looks as though only those Resources whose work “runs up to†the task’s
end date have their Work re-scheduled when the task is stretched.

Trivial example, but shows the principle of something which has caught me
out. I had a task with several resources which I wanted to spread out, as the
resources were overloaded. I “stretched†the task to try to spread the entire
work for the task over the extended duration, but Project only spread one of
the resource’s work over the extended duration (the one whose work “hit†the
task’s end date). The other resource’s work stayed at the front end of the
task, which meant I still had a peak at the front of the task.

Has anyone experienced this behaviour or have any comment?

Jack Dahlgren

I don't have a fix for it, but it appear that this behavior is intended to
preserve any resource contouring that the user has done.
So if you have contoured it manually it won't be affected by a change in

-Jack Dahlgren

Martin Wilkinson

Thanks for your reply; all I need for these "funnies" is some sort of logic
to it (however perverted!) so I can try not to get caught out again...



Hello Martin,

To add a bit that I hope may help. What you are seeing is how project
deals with multiple resources assigned to a task. In a fixed work task
type when all resources assigned have the exact same calendar
definition, are working the exact same number of hours, with the exact
same assignment units, increasing the duration of the task will drop the
assignment units for each resource. However, as in the example you
provide, if the resources have difference amounts of work assigned,
Project will only drop the assignment units for the so-called "driver"
resource -- the resource whose assignment to the task finishes last.

A view that may assist you in tracking down the "funnies" is the Task
Entry view. From a Gantt chart, choose Window > Split in the menu to
show the Task Form at the bottom part of the screen. The default format
of the Task Form is the "Resources & Predecessors" format, showing
assigned resources with assignment units and work on the left and
predeccessor information on the right side. Changing the format of the
Task form to "Resource Schedule" will display the work for each assigned
resource as well as the resource's start and finish for the assignment.
The resource who finishes last on the task is the "driver" resource.
His/her assignment units will be modified.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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about Microsoft Project

Martin Wilkinson

Thanks for that additional perspective - and for introducing me to the
"driver" resource!


Mike Glen

Hi Martin,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You might like to have a look at my series on Microsoft Project in the
TechTrax ezine, particularly #10 on Multiple Resource Assignments, at this
site: or this:
(Perhaps you'd care to rate the article before leaving the site, :)

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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