Strikethrough Driving Me Crazy



Please help! Someone sent me a document last week that I was to edit. It was preformatted to track changes. I've had trouble with e-mail ever since, with everything I type and all text I receive appearing with strikethrough. After several days of troubleshooting, I finally realized that Word formatting controlled e-mail formatting, and I unchecked the strikethrough feature in Word. Now, e-mails that I type look okay.............. BUT, the text in all e-mails I reply to or forward appear with strikethrough. Even if I uncheck the strikethrough in every e-mail I send out, when those e-mails come back to me, everything has strikethrough through it. Even if this worked, I don't want to have to hassle with every single e-mail, and can't figure out what else I need to do to get rid of this feature. Any help would be apprecitated. Please e-mail me at (e-mail address removed). Thank you.


By the way, just above my text box in e-mail, off to the right hand side, is a drop-down menu that says "Strikethrough" in it. When I click on the drop-down menu, there are no other selections.

R. Funk

What version of Outlook are you using?

Frustrated said:
Please help! Someone sent me a document last week that I was to edit. It
was preformatted to track changes. I've had trouble with e-mail ever since,
with everything I type and all text I receive appearing with strikethrough.
After several days of troubleshooting, I finally realized that Word
formatting controlled e-mail formatting, and I unchecked the strikethrough
feature in Word. Now, e-mails that I type look okay.............. BUT, the
text in all e-mails I reply to or forward appear with strikethrough. Even if
I uncheck the strikethrough in every e-mail I send out, when those e-mails
come back to me, everything has strikethrough through it. Even if this
worked, I don't want to have to hassle with every single e-mail, and can't
figure out what else I need to do to get rid of this feature. Any help would
be apprecitated. Please e-mail me at (e-mail address removed). Thank you.

R. Funk

Try going into your Outlook options...Tools/Options/Mail Format
tab/Fonts...button*Under the Stationery and Font*/Choose Font...button under
each of the 3 categories (When composing a new message, When replying and
forwarding, When composing and reading plain text) to make sure that none of
them have strikethrough selected.

Hope this helps

Frustrated said:
It's Microsoft Outlook 2002. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank

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