String operations in VBA for "Substituite"?


Brad Patterson

What is the best way to code VBA for the associated SUBSTITUTE command in
cell formulas...

I want to delete a character from my string. I usually achieve this by
Which returns ³ex² in a cell.

Unfortunately, this doesn¹t go well in VBA ...
Perhaps the followoing?

For j = 1 to len(str)
If Mid(str, j, 1) = "t"
Œ delete the letter of the string?

Any ideas? I¹m sure someone has done it before ...

Rob Bovey

Hi Brad,

If you're using Excel 2000 or later, check out the VBA Replace function.
In Excel 97 you can use the SUBSTITUTE worksheet function via

Rob Bovey, MCSE, MCSD, Excel MVP
Application Professionals

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