Strings between different templates


Ulf Nilsson

We have a form where users can open different templates.

When a user clicks on a template, the chosen template opens and I want it to
go to a specific bookmark. To which bookmark it goes to depends on what the
user has chosen in the first form.

In other words: How can I transfer strings between different templates?

/ Ulf


Your 'other words' seems to be a completely different question. 'Going to a
bookmark' and 'transferring strings' are completely different things (to me,
anyway). Forget your proposed method for a moment: what are you actually
trying to achieve?

Ulf Nilsson

Sorry for being unclear.
Template A is a long document which is divided into sections. Each section
is a bookmark.

When a user choose a template (which in reality is the name of a bookmark in
Template A), Template A opens. I want Template A to continue to the specific

I know how to make Template A to open, but not how to make Template A to
know which bookmark to user.

/ Ulf


Is 'template A' really a template, or just a document? If it's a document,
you can use a hyperlink, with the bookmark argument; or

Documents.Open(FileName:=[FileName]).GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark,

If it is a template, use

Documents.Add(Template:=[TemplateName]).GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark,

Ulf Nilsson

Is it possible to send a text string for the vba-code in Template A to use?

Jezebel said:
Is 'template A' really a template, or just a document? If it's a document,
you can use a hyperlink, with the bookmark argument; or

Documents.Open(FileName:=[FileName]).GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark,

If it is a template, use

Documents.Add(Template:=[TemplateName]).GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark,

Ulf Nilsson said:
Sorry for being unclear.
Template A is a long document which is divided into sections. Each section
is a bookmark.

When a user choose a template (which in reality is the name of a bookmark
Template A), Template A opens. I want Template A to continue to the

I know how to make Template A to open, but not how to make Template A to
know which bookmark to user.

/ Ulf

Ulf Nilsson

I'm sorry to tell you that:
Documents.Add(Template:=gsChosenTemplate).GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark,

It just opens the chosen template and does not go to any bookmark, even
though the bookmark exists in the template.

/ Ulf

Jezebel said:
Is 'template A' really a template, or just a document? If it's a document,
you can use a hyperlink, with the bookmark argument; or

Documents.Open(FileName:=[FileName]).GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark,

If it is a template, use

Documents.Add(Template:=[TemplateName]).GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark,

Ulf Nilsson said:
Sorry for being unclear.
Template A is a long document which is divided into sections. Each section
is a bookmark.

When a user choose a template (which in reality is the name of a bookmark
Template A), Template A opens. I want Template A to continue to the

I know how to make Template A to open, but not how to make Template A to
know which bookmark to user.

/ Ulf

Charles Kenyon

Rather than creating documents / opening templates, consider using AutoText.
Note, in Word jargon, a "template" is a special kind of document, not a
pattern or a form.
Charles Kenyon

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Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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