"Klaus Linke" said:
That's not so. Word won't touch the text, apart from some control characters
(namely ASCII 7, and maybe carriage returns/line feeds ... most "simple text
editors" mess up a lot more).
If you save in the original encoding, and then do a byte-for-byte compare
with the original file, you're unlikely to find a difference.
The file itself IS a plain text version ... BUT once you open it in
Word again it becomes a Word document (while it's on-screen or if saved
in another file format), so any copying of the text also takes the
formatting, which in the case of a plain text file is the default font,
size, etc.
Plain simple text editors don't know anything but plain text, and don't put
anything but plain text on the clipboard. Word puts stuff on the clipboard
in a variety of formats, and the application you paste into gives you a
choice on what to paste, or simply makes the decision for you (as Matt
Most applications will simply paste in the same as was copied (within
the application's limits of course). Copying the text in Word which
includes the font, size, etc. as above, which will then paste into
GoLive using that formatting (where possible).
Copying the text from a Text Editor obviously doesn't contain any
formatting, so GoLive will paste it using it's own defaults. You'll get
the same effect if you simply open the plain text document into GolIve
itself. BUT if you paste the plain text into the middle of an
established Style section within a GoLive page, then the new plain text
will pick up the formatting of that style.
Just as another example, if you copy some text from Word and then paste
it into a PageMaker document (and somehow manage to do it without
PageMaker crashing!), then PageMaker not only picks up the text and
formatting, but also any defined stlyes (eg. Normal, Heading, etc.) ...
which can be a totla pain in the behind - that's why I always save the
Word document as plain text and then Place it into PageMaker and redo
the formatting there.
Helpful Harry
Hopefully helping harassed humans happily handle handiwork hardships ;o)