struggling with record ID's and decimal precision


Andrew van Renen

I am trying to store the record id of one particular record in my 3.1 workspace.
But when I come to reuse the record id, it seems to have lost its precision
- it has gets rounded up.

One example is a record id of 7.9952246579565039E-042 (as per the record
properties dialog box. I store that value into a unformatted decimal. However,
when I pull it out later (via a lookup on a view), it has lost 1 digit, and
I get 7.995224657956504e-42 back (note 039E to 04E).

Is there a way around this? Has anyone else noticed this happening?


Andrew van Renen

How is the record id derived? Perhaps a better question would be: what are
the upper and lower bounds of the record id?

Would it be safe to just multiply the record id by 1000000 before storing
it and then reverse the procedure when I need to use it?

Darrell O''''Donnell, P.Eng.

I have no idea how the number is derived, but when we reference recordIDs, we
store them as strings - more storage required, but it is unambiguous. We are
hitting the data via Groove Web Services so the string works well in passing



Andrew van Renen

I wondered about that, but I do not know how to force a type from within
Javascript. Going the web services route is not an option for me - partly
because I have not played with them yet, but also it would not really fit
in with what is essentially a simple contained application.

Moving the decimal point around did not work, so converting the id into a
string sounds good - any idea how I would do that?


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