Stubborn Link Data/Value Problem - Help Appreciated!




I am having a problem with a link in one of my Excel worksheets and
I'm hoping that someone can help me with it. Here's the situation...

I have two separate workbooks that are connected via a link such that
an update in one workbook is automatically (and immediately) reflected
in the second book. There is a cell (say A1) in the second book (the
destination) that contains a link with the following format:


[I created this link by copying the source cell from the source
workbook and pasting (using Paste_Special) in the destination cell in
the destination workbook.]

NOW...this part works great! No problems at this stage. An update in
the Source workbook is reflected in the Destination workbook just as I
want it.'s the problem. I have a cell, A5, in the destination
workbook that is supposed to perform a calculation based on the value
in cell A1 (the cell containing the link). Unfortunately, even though
there is a numeric value displayed in A1, cell A5 shows the value of
A1 as zero(0).

A1: displays a value of 205
(the value obtained from the source workbook via the link...
we're good here!)
But, despite the fact that I have set...
A5: =A1
I am seeing the following
A5: displays a value of zero(0)

Does anyone know why A5 would display zero when it should be 205? I
need A5 to reflect the numeric value of A1. I know that one possible
solution is to copy A1 and do Paste_Special->Values to cell A5. This
would be fine if the link were going to be updated once in a while.
However, the link (A1) will be updated several hundred times per day!
Because of this, manually performing a Copy then Paste_Special->Values
operation every time the value in A1 changes is unrealistic.

Is there a simple way to get A5 to automatically (i.e., no
intervention from me) reflect the new value in A1? If this will
require VBA, I would appreciate any code that you may be able to
provide as I am far from a VBA guru.

Thanks. This would be a HUGE help!!


I think the problem is the way you are linking to A1 in
workbook 1. Perhaps I am wrong. If so, my apologies for
what I suggest below, :)

You say you have "Copied" and "Pasted" the value of Sheet
1, R2C1 in Book 1 into A1 in book 2. Then you set A5 in
book 2 to use A1 in book 2 to perform a calculation, eg
(Value in A1 x 2).

If book 1 Sheet1 R2C1 held 10, and the formula in book 2
A5 held A1 x 2, A5 should show 20.

I don't see that Copy and Paste will work. It will only
copy the current value of book 1 sheet 1 R2C1 into book 2
cell A1. So, if at some stage the cell in book 1 Sheet 1
R2C1 gets changed, A1 in book 2 will not be updated.

What I mean is, when you copied and pasted, if the
current value in book 1 Sheet 1 R2C1 was 0, then A1 in
book 2 will always be 0.

You need to create a dynamic link. Do this;

1] Open both workbooks in Excel. Don't maximise either,
have them both so that one overlaps the other but you can
click on either to make it active at any stage.

2] In book 2, make sure cell A1 is empty, then click
inside it. Press = (the equal key on your keyboard).

3] Make book 1 active by clicking the header bar.

4] In Sheet 1, click cell R2C1. Then click enter. That
will finish the action for cell A1 in book 2.

5] In book to empty cell A5 and click = again.

6] Click A1, then enter in the formula bar any other
calculation you have to enter, eg =A1*65.345

7] Press enter and cell A5 should then "always" show the


Well, first, thanks to all that responded!

Second, although the suggestions that were given were great, I still
have one "basic" problem (I stupidly failed to mention this next part
before). Here's the question:

What if I want to link several workbooks together, with each workbook
sitting on a different computer? For example, say workbook1, sitting
on computer A, is linked to workbook2, on computer B, via shared
network drive P. Workbook2 is linked to workbook3, on computer C, via
the same shared drive P. The computers can "see" each other and book2
(on the shared drive) is simply acting as a middleman shuffling data
between book1 (on computer A) and book3 (on computer C). I know it's
a weird scenrio but I have to work with it (unless someone has any

This was the original reason that I used the copy and paste method for
linking the workbooks. Unfortunately, that method won't allow me to
perform any calculations on the linked data (as we already know).

Any suggestions on how to get this scenario to work?

And thanks again for your help!!!


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