stuborn End User License Agreement for Project Web Access



recently SP1 was installed on our Project Server. I'm not able to pass the
EULA when connecting through WebAccess (it keeps reappearing). I can however
connect to the server via Office Project Pro.
This appears to be random (most users don't have this problem). I found a
procedure on MS-knowledge (;en-us;837655 ), but the
ActiveX-objects that have to be deleted don't exist on my portable.
has anyone experienced this problem before?

Rolly Perreaux

recently SP1 was installed on our Project Server. I'm not able to pass the
EULA when connecting through WebAccess (it keeps reappearing). I can however
connect to the server via Office Project Pro.
This appears to be random (most users don't have this problem). I found a
procedure on MS-knowledge (;en-us;837655 ), but the
ActiveX-objects that have to be deleted don't exist on my portable.
has anyone experienced this problem before?

Hi Nicolas,

Can you get past the EULA page now that the ActiveX components removed?
If not, have you closed all Internet Explorer sessions?

You also may want to check the following folder on your Project Server
to see if you have the the PJCINTL.CAB file.

c:\program files\Microsoft Office Project Server 2003\IIS Virtual Root

This CAB file contains 2 files:

These are needed to install the PWA ActiveX components

Let us know...

Rolly Perreaux, PMP
Project Server Trainer/Consultant

IT Summit Series
Advanced Microsoft Technology Training


Hi Rolly,

i didn't have to remove any activeX objects... the specified files weren't
there :-(
is it possible that other software causes a conflict?
I set the security-level to 'very low', hoping to receive the files at the
next attempt, but sadly: no improvement.
as the other users don't have this problem our helpdesk figures it's a local
(and suggest to format my pc... not my preference !!)
LangCabENU11.inf & PJ11ENUC.DLL should be on the server: i'll verify.
can these objects be installed manually?
thanks for your advice ! i'll keep you informed.


Rolly Perreaux

Hi Rolly,

i didn't have to remove any activeX objects... the specified files weren't
there :-(
is it possible that other software causes a conflict?
I set the security-level to 'very low', hoping to receive the files at the
next attempt, but sadly: no improvement.
as the other users don't have this problem our helpdesk figures it's a local
(and suggest to format my pc... not my preference !!)
LangCabENU11.inf & PJ11ENUC.DLL should be on the server: i'll verify.
can these objects be installed manually?
thanks for your advice ! i'll keep you informed.


Hi Nicolas,

It appears that your helpdesk is correct in that it is a local problem
on your machine :-( Especially when you say that security level is set
to very low.

But I still would like to know if the cab file is at the Project Server.
You could also test and try accessing PWA from a machine that has never
connected to Project Server. If the machine can get past the EULA page
then you definitely know that is a local problem on your machine


Rolly Perreaux, PMP
Project Server Trainer/Consultant

IT Summit Series
Advanced Microsoft Technology Training


the two files are present on the server. no luck for me...
another blocked pc was formatted, and could then access PWA again.
could one of the validity-checks in the .asp keep me out?

Mark Byington

You might also check how you're defined on your workstation. We found that
anyone defined as 'power user' or below had the same problem. PWA EULA wants
to write a record to your hard drive saying that you've seen it and agreed
and don't need to see it again when logging in.

Lars Hammarberg

Are you absolutely sure you checked the "c:\windows\downloaded program
files\" folder using the command prompt?

/Lars Hammarberg

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


Just for grins, let's update MDAC on this machine and see if it changes the


thanks for the tip but as XP-sp2 is installed on my PC MDAC2.8 is already
(2.8 sp1 not allowed)


Hi Mark,
i'm defined as 'debugger user', after changing it user a regular user ==> no

i checked the download.asp - page: it's does a try and catch => the
exception throws you back to the EULA. sadly enough my asp knowledge is not
sufficient to interpret the test

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