Stuck!!! Outlook MailItem Events Probs!! Pls Help




I am trying to do the display an office command bar only
on the reply window of a message

I am running into a problem where the reply event simply
does not get fired.

First Time - Open a Recieved Message
Events fired in sequence
- New Inspector
- objmailItem_Open

Clicking Reply on this open message
Events fired in Sequence
- objMailItem_Reply
- New Inspector
- objMailItem_Open

Click Reply again on the original open recieved Message
- New Inspector
- objMailItem_Open

As you can see somehow the Reply event is never getting
fired. I think something is setting a property preventing
this from getting fired.

Any pointers? I am really stuck on this.

I would really appreciate this.

(e-mail address removed)


I also noticed that this happens only with Outlook XP.
This behaviour is not manifested in Outlook 2000
Very strange .... In OUtlook 2000, Clicking reply on the
open message fires on the reply event and not the
inspector event.

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