STUDENT IF statement & incrementing



in my summary sheet i have added 4 colums
1st Month hired, 2nd Year hired, 3rd Vacation days intitled and 4th
increment. My fiscal year that i'm working with starts october 2003 and
ends september 2004. now in the 3rd colum i need a formula that will
display how many vacation days a person is intitled too here is the
info. if person worked less then 1 year started Nov then intitled to
13.75 days, Dec-12.50 days, Jan-11.25 days, Feb-10.00, mar-8.75,
apr-7.50, may-6.25, jun-5.00, july-3.75, aug-2.50, sep-1.25, and if
person workes >1 and less then 3 intitled to 15 days, if >3 and <6
intitled to 20 days, and if >6 intitled to 25 days. this info is based
on colum 1 and 2 month and year. Now in the 4th colum i need a formula
that will give me the remaining months a person worked if he did not get
hired on october on the begining of the fiscal year for example if some
one was hired on june that means there is additional 4 months till the
end of the fiscal year and he is entitled to a few more vacation days.
this only applyes to employees who been working 3 years and over.
another problem is if i enter hired month 06 its not really june because
i don't start from january i start from october so june would really be
09 according to my fiscal year. is there a way to chance the calendar
year to my fiscal year. i'm desperat and in need of help would someone
pls help me plz plz plz and since i'm not so good in excel at all would
u be kind enough to attach a spread sheet with these colums....... i
hope some one reads this and i pray to get a response thanx a milion.

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