Stuffing Numeric Variable Values into Footnote with formatting



I am using Excel '97.

What I need to do is take several numbers from the spreadsheet and stuff
them into the left footer in the Excel footnote with formatting of #,##0.00
for each number.

Given these variable values :

I need to create a string that will read out as:
T: 66,000.00 GA: 190,575.37 GS: 1,987,082.34 7P: 387,082.34

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftFooter = "&8Date Prepared: &D&T" & Chr(10) & the string above
End With

What I'm striggling with is how to format the numbers inside the string. Is
there a function I'm missing that solves my problem? How can I do this?

Ron de Bruin

Hi Dkline

Try this with the values in A1:A4

Dim str As String
str = "T: " & Range("A1").Text & " GA: " & Range("A2").Text & " GS: " & Range("A3").Text & " 7P: " & Range("A4").Text
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftFooter = "&8Date Prepared: &D&T" & Chr(10) & str
End With



Thanks for the help. Problem is solved.

I did have to make one adjustment. The values are coming from an imported
text file with a fixed width much wider than these particular values. So I
had to add the TRIM function to get rid of the extra spaces..


Ron de Bruin said:
Hi Dkline

Try this with the values in A1:A4

Dim str As String
str = "T: " & Range("A1").Text & " GA: " & Range("A2").Text & " GS: "
& Range("A3").Text & " 7P: " & Range("A4").Text

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