I am trying to create wha tI thought was going to be simple Form/Subform
with a couple of linked tables.
I ahve a parent table that involves name of product and the level of
complexity. Then I am trying to link it to the ingriediant talbe which is
created by selecting informaton from a third table via look-up.
I have the ingrediant table working and I can get the aprent tabel working
my problem is when I try to connect the two so that each ingrediant is
listed with parent product.
For instance this is an example of what I am trying to do:
Product A
Lvl 25
3 micro circuit boards
2 micro switches
10 polly alloy fittings
4 fasteners
But I am having problems getting the ingrediants to link to the product.. I
ahve tried setting a field in the prodct named ingr_ID that links to the
ingr_ID in my ingrediant table and then form a one to many relation. But I
always seem ot get relation in the revers order i.e. one ingrediant to many
product when it should be reveresed as my atomic level ingrediant are found
through look up and have a sperate tabel all together.
Any idead on where I am going so badly wrong?
Thank you
with a couple of linked tables.
I ahve a parent table that involves name of product and the level of
complexity. Then I am trying to link it to the ingriediant talbe which is
created by selecting informaton from a third table via look-up.
I have the ingrediant table working and I can get the aprent tabel working
my problem is when I try to connect the two so that each ingrediant is
listed with parent product.
For instance this is an example of what I am trying to do:
Product A
Lvl 25
3 micro circuit boards
2 micro switches
10 polly alloy fittings
4 fasteners
But I am having problems getting the ingrediants to link to the product.. I
ahve tried setting a field in the prodct named ingr_ID that links to the
ingr_ID in my ingrediant table and then form a one to many relation. But I
always seem ot get relation in the revers order i.e. one ingrediant to many
product when it should be reveresed as my atomic level ingrediant are found
through look up and have a sperate tabel all together.
Any idead on where I am going so badly wrong?
Thank you