STUMPER ?! Repost of "chart elements resize when printing"


Rus Eyring

Have I stumped the group? Hope not. Here's my original
post, reposted for your thoughtful consideration:

I am attempting to create a small stastistics publication
using Excel. I have arranged the charts, text, and page
breaks to create a printable page.

However, when I print these pages, certain
elements "resize" themselves. For example, the chart area
of a pie chart will grow, obscuring the chart title. Bar
charts do the same thing.

I go back in and tuck everything back in the way I want
it, but as soon as I print it, the same resizing occurs.

Does anyone know if this is an option setting somewhere
that can be disabled? Any other work-arounds to ensure
that "what I see is what I get"?

Thanks to all in advance!

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