Style based number - copying across documents



Here's what I'm trying to do: copy contents of one document into
another. Both documents have the same styles for the sections I'm
copying. The styles used outline numbering. The only difference between
the styles is that one of them has a different "next paragraph"

The problem: when I paste, the number scheme changes from a custom
format to using roman lowercase. I've tried pasting in different
locations relative to paragraph marks, using different copy options. If
I reapply the style to paragraphs, then they number properly.

I need a standard (easy) way of doing this. The idea is that average
users will copy the list for the first document and respond to it in
the second. Could use some ideas on how to do this.

Looks like this


Word Heretic

G'day (e-mail address removed),

If you want it easier than your current way, I can only think of one
nasty option.

You keep your auto-numbered document as source only. Your 'publish
this by sending it to the users' procedure gets extra steps added:

1. Save As a publish copy
2. Press Alt+F11 (VBE), Ctrl+G (Immediate Window) and type:

This will make all the numbering 'hard-typed-in' numbers as per
standard text, making copy n paste simple as.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic

steve from (Email replies require payment)
Without prejudice

(e-mail address removed) reckoned:

Charles Kenyon

Did you set up your styles using the procedures in Shauna Kelly's page? See:
How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in your Word document

These are much more stable in editing.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.


I've inherited this (grin). There are 6 different document "templates"
(not in the .dot sense, but in the sense that they have sections and
suggested content already set up), which will all be possible
candidates to be copied into the second document. So I was hoping that
there was something simpler than redefining all the templates, as they
are owned by different departments, etc.

I shall experiment with the approach suggested by Shauna, and if needed
I'll be brave and approach all the departments. But if anyone has any
other ideas, they would be much appreciated.


Charles Kenyon

Word's automatic numbering is very fragile, almost a house of cards. If you
set it up any way other than the one that Ms. Kelly describes, it will break
when you edit it.

If you need background on this when you talk to the other departments see:

Word's Numbering Explained

Additional information you may find useful or need is at:

How to Create a Template, Part II

Legal Numbering

Seven Laws of Outline Numbering

The following are some discussions on the Microsoft newsgroups on numbering:
Nightmare on ListNumbering Street <URL:,18&ic=1>
The Joy of Lists <URL:,15&ic=1>
Relinking ListTemplates <URL:,12&ic=1>
Outline numbering: restart doesn't restart <URL:[email protected]#p>
Format Doesn't "Hold" <URL:[email protected]#p>
(above list compiled by Dave Rado, Word MVP)

ListNumbering Street Revisited <URL:>

Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
This message is posted to a newsgroup. Please post replies
and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.

Chuck Henrich

Hi Kate

You might want to check out my Style Copier utility, it's free:

Even though your numbering list templates are probably not named, Style
Copier should work (I've tested it with unnamed list templates).

As you probably know by now, paragraph numbering in Word requires you to
attach styles to outline numbering list templates that contain the numbering
information. List templates are notoriously unstable *unless you give them a
name*. Since I've started naming list templates I've had no (zero, none)
problems with paragraph numbering in documents that use styles attached to
named list templates. That's why I developed my Style Generator utility that
creates/redefines styles linked to named list templates, and attaches named
list templates to existing paragraph numbering styles. You might want to
give that a try as well (there's a free demo) - you could run it on your
"template" documents" and then when you use Style Copier to copy styles from
those documents to other documents the named list templates will be copied
with them.

Alternatively Shauna Kelly's step by step instructions are a DIY solution
that works great so long as you remember to name the list templates. If you
want to name a list template manually in Word you need to click the More
button in the Customize Outline Numbered List dialog and assign a name to the
list template in the "ListNum field list name" field.

For a discussion about cloning styles within a document by copying them
between documents you might want to take a look at a discussion thread that's
aged off this list but is now available in google groups. The link is too
long to post but if you go to and search for "Outline
numbering with prefix" in the microsoft.public.word.numbering newsgroup
you'll find a helpful thread.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Chuck Henrich

Stylist Style Generator - create/define sets of numbering and heading styles

Stylist Style Copier - copy styles and numbering between documents, free

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