Style fomating ... spacing between paragraphs



Version: 2008

just recently downloaded the windows 2008 for my macbook. The only problem i'm having is that when i hi the return button between paragraphs the program automatically adds an extra space between the two paragraphs ... kind of like this

Hello, how are you. blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh blahhhhhhhhhhh blahhhhhh

I'm fine.

I want to know how to get rid of that automatic space between paragraphs. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the "style" but i'm not sure.



Not being picky but we need to be clear in order to help you :) There is no
such thing as "windows 2008", but even if you meant *Office 2008* there is
no legitimate download source. If you actually *installed* Office 2008 from
a legally obtained source disk you need to run the Check for Updates feature
from Help. [Updates will probably not apply to a pirated copy.]

The Space After default was changed by the 12.1.0 (SP1) update which you've
apparently not yet applied. The reason & instructions for manually changing
the setting are here if you need them:

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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