Hi Bruce
Bruce said:
Thank you for your help. I vistited the MVP web site and
found some more information about styles. Some things are
clearer, but let me make sure I understand something: If
I need to change, say, space after a paragraph for a
particular style in a single document, I can either apply
direct formatting to the paragraph, then click the down
arrow in the little Style window and choose "Update
style"; or, I can accomplish the same thing with Format >
Style, then make the appropriate changes and click Apply.
As long as I don't click "Add to Template", the style will
only be stored in the current document. Is my
understanding correct, or even close?
Spot on
Second part: If I need to change the paragraph spacing on
just one page, for instance, is it a good idea to create a
new style?
My concern with creating new styles for unusual situations
has been the profusion of styles in my templates.
It's really up to you. Even in a style-based set-up there are good reasons
for using some direct formatting - for instance, I use direct formatting for
special fixes to get final pagination neat - then I can just select all and
use Ctrl-Q to return everything to style for the next version. Conversely,
if I *don't* want the formatting to be blown away with a Ctrl-Q, I'd set up
a different style.
Other things to think about are copy and paste, modifications to styles, and
update styles from template - if you have direct formatting applied, the
changes to style may not be applied to the directly-formatted paragraphs -
that may or may not be what you want.
See also Shauna Kelly's explanations at
See also
I know
about the "Add to Template" check box in Format > Style;
is there another way to add a style to a template? Does
it happen automatically?
If I click "Add to Template", will the style be stored in
only the template upon which the current document is
based, or can it find its way into Normal.dot even if that
is not the active template?
I'm fairly sure the 'add to template' box never stays checked, so in order
to update the style in the template you need to open the dialog and
explicitly check it (the 'update style' method won't therefore update the
template style as well). The template affected is the one curently attached
to the document (be careful if you have multiple copies.) Normal.dot will
not be changed, so long as the document is attached elsewhere. (But note
that a document whose template can't be found is temporarily attached to
You can also change styles in a template by opening the template itself
(.dot file) and modifying the style there.
Finally, what is the problem with using the format painter
to apply styles? It seems to work for me, and is a lot
more efficient than browsing through the drop-down list
over and over. If there was a way to select non-
sequential paragraphs (Word 2000) this would not be a
problem, but having to click the paragraph, then the drop-
down arrow in the style box, then scrolling through the
list of styles can be a drag if a style needs to be
applied to a large number of paragraphs (something I often
need to do when working with documents supplied by
others). Is there a shortcut other than Format Painter
for applying styles to non-sequential paragraphs?
You can add styles as toolbar buttons or menu items to a custom toolbar. You
can also set up keyboard shortcuts. Applying a style once and then using F4
(repeat last action) will apply the same style to the new selection.
If you find the Format Painter works cleanly for you, by all means use it.
But I've always found it fiddly and difficult to be certain what you are
applying to what. I find users often end up thinking they've applied a
paragraph style, but actually only applying the character formatting part of
the style (something Word is woefully ambiguous about anyway). I normally
remove it from custom toolbars to prevent these problems <g>.