Style Numbering Query


Minnie M

I’m working on a document in Word 2002 that includes many numbered lists for
which I’ve set up a style. The numbers go up to two characters and I want to
format them so that they line up at the second character. That is:

8. Text
9. Text
10. Text
11. Text

I thought I’d be able to set a right aligned tab into the style, which is
what I’d do if I was manually numbering the list, but I can’t work out how
its done.

The settings in the ‘Customize Numbered List’ box are as follows:

Number Position: Right
Aligned at: 0.51cm
Text Position – Tab Space after 0.63cm : Indent at 0.63cm

but the numbers are still lining up on the left.

I’ve checked the Help files and searched this forum but I can’t find out
what I’m doing wrong and would really appreciate some help.

Graham Mayor

There are a number of ways of doing this, of which the simplest is probably
a two column unbordered table, with the first column (right aligned) for the

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>



I have just tested on 2002 and had no problems with the style set up with
the settings you applied. Could you open a new document, create a list of 12
lines, apply the style and see what happens? It could be a corruption in the file if it happens again, or in your document.

Minnie M

Thanks Brian, I tried a test document and it worked perfectly. So I went back
to my original document and noticed that the 'automatically update' box was
unchecked. As I'd already typed the lists, I checked the box and the lists
updated with right aligned numbers. Doh!

Minnie M

Thanks Graham, as I'd already typed the lists I didn't want to convert the
text to table but I tried a test document as suggested by Brian and it worked
perfectly. So I went back to my original document and noticed that the
'automatically update' box was unchecked. I checked the box and the lists
updated with right aligned numbers. Doh!

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