Style settings (bold) toggle on/off when copying between docs



I have inherited a Word RTF document that is full of "char" problems and
user-defined styles. I have to insert variations of multiple tables that
must fit perfectly into that main document.

So, I converted the RTF file to a .doc (working in Word03), then stipped
everything out of a copy of that main document and re-created my tables in
that file. I hoped that because my starting point was the main document I
could guarantee all margins and page setup options so the tables would copy
and paste from my document into the main document easily. I should say here I
have created some of my own styles.

When I copy & paste an entire table from my document back into the main
document (.doc version all in Word 03) with my user-defined styles,
everything that was bold, is no longer bold, and everything that wasn't bold
now is.

None of my styles are based on Normal (they are either based upon No Style,
or on one of my styles).

When I go into Modify Styles, a style that should be bold does have the bold
option selected however it displays and prints as not-bold... and anything
that shouldn't be bold (but actually appears bold) when in Modify Styles
doesn't have the bold option set.

Can anyone tell me what is causing this and how to fix it?

Many thanks

Graham Mayor

Try selecting the offending text and press CTRL+Space to reset it to the
underlying style as defined in the target document.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

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