Style Type Char Char Car Car Char




I'm having problems when I edit documents in Word. I have predefined styles
and when I want to used them Word automatically changes the style to Char
Char Car Char. Ultimately all the styles are changing to Char 2. I tried to
eliminate this style but it doesn't appear in the Styles list.

Any hlep greatly appreciated.

Pamelia Caswell via

Another way to avoid breaking linked styles is to use paste unformatted text.
I assigned this macro to a keyboard shortcut:

Sub PasteText()
' PasteText Macro

Selection.PasteSpecial DataType:=wdPasteText
End Sub


Klaus Linke

Yiyomakaveli said:

I'm having problems when I edit documents in Word. I have predefined
and when I want to used them Word automatically changes the style to Char
Char Car Char. Ultimately all the styles are changing to Char 2. I tried
eliminate this style but it doesn't appear in the Styles list.

Any hlep greatly appreciated.

Also update whatever version you use, if it's not up-to-date... A lot of the
issues have been fixed.
Some of these fixes just hide the "Char Car Zchn..." style mess better, but
that's still better than nothing ;-)

Word 2007 does a pretty good job of cleaning them up if you just open and
save the document (...a solution that will obviously only work if you have
access to it somewhere).

If you don't see the style name in the style list, you could use VBA to
delete it:
-- Open the VBA editor (Alt+F11)
-- Go into the Immediate window (Strg+G)
-- Type
and hit Enter at the end of the line.

If the style name starts with a blank and just contains multiple "Char"
(and/or "Car" "Zchn" ... from other language versions), Word may not allow
you to delete or rename or access the style at all. For that case, Larry
found a trick: Save in XML format and re-open the document. This removes the
leading blank, and then you can delete the style.


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