Styleref in an embedded object for the header




I would like to include the individual chapter name in the header. There is
no problem when that is to be done purely by inserting a styleref field for
"heading 1" in the header itself.

However, I would like the header background to be black and the inserted
text to be white.

I need to figure out either one of the two:
1) change only the background color of the header and not the whole document
(this is not the optimal but it still is better than where I stand now)

2) get the styleref to work properly as part of an embedded object (the best
I was able to do with the help of mutliple section breaks was to get the
header to automatically insert the previous section's (thus chapters) heading
and the worst was that only the first instance of "heading 1" would show up
on the first header and the rest of the header's would remain blank)

I know what I'm trying to achieve is very specific but I'm sure I'm not the
first one to encounter the problem and I hope someone has a solution for me
out there for I'm pretty pissed after spending a good amount of valuable


Suzanne S. Barnhill

The black background is easy (Format | Borders and Shading applied to the
header paragraph); if your font color is set to Auto, it will reverse to
white automatically. If you want the black background to extend some
distance beyond your text you can add a black border and use the "Distance
from text" options for the border, or you can add extra (empty) paragraphs
to extend the shading, or you can put the whole thing in a table cell and
add shading to it.

Strictly speaking, section breaks are not required when you use a StyleRef
field (that's the whole point), but if you need to leave some of the headers
blank (those that occur before the first chapter), then you will need
section breaks to do that; you'll need to unlink the headers using the "Link
to Previous" button.


Thanks Suzanne,

never could get past the "backgrounds" option, you broadened my vision to
also see "borders and shading". Although I'd still like to figure out how to
make styleref work properly with text that is part of an embedded object
within a header (if at all possible) but the shading is also is a valid
solution in this particular case and a much appreciated one at that.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'm afraid I don't understand the idea of "text that is part of an embedded
object." If the object is graphic in nature, then the text is in the drawing
layer, not the text layer.


I have a similar problem where the styleref only displays in the first
couple sections.
I am using section (new page) breaks to seperate put sections of the
document. Each section has a "heading 1"" used in the styleref and also has a
different first page

Stefan Blom

You may have to link the sections. To do this, click Header and Footer
on the View menu to activate the header/footer area. On the
Header/Footer toolbar, click the Same as Previous (Link to Previous)
button. Note that the linking is separate for each type of header. In
other words, enabling it for first page headers does not affect main
headers, or odd/even headers.

If you cannot link the sections, because their contents are different
(apart from the StyleRef field), you'd have to insert the field again.

For more, see and

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message


Thanks for that.
1 For some reason when using the linking the stylref displays nothing but
when I copy and past it it does work?
2 Read somewhere that manual page breaks upset it. Have removed manual page
breaks and used "page break before" to get the break. This and pasting in the
header seems to work.
Seems clunky to me, would like to get to the bottom of it

Stefan Blom

1. Well, links can only be between headers of the same type. Since you
have enabled the "Different first page" option, each section has two
headers, and a minimum of two StyleRef fields is required -- if the
result of the field should display on all pages of the document. (With
all headers unlinked, the same result requires two StyleRef fields per

Another thing to consider is that in short sections you may not see
all headers, which means that you would have to insert temporary page
breaks in order to work with these headers (unless you are using VBA).

2. Manual page breaks could be difficult, because they break the page
but not necessarily the paragraph (sic). You can test this in a blank
document: Type a paragraph of text, then insert a page break. Continue
typing after the break. Apply a style to the text after the break, and
you'll see that the text before the break has the same style (and vice
versa). "Page break before" is a better choice.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

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