StyleRef in following pages



Template used Heading 1 style at start of new part of report. Heading 1 has
"page break before" so it is always at the top of page. Report part may be
one or many pages. I need to create a page header that is -- blank on the
page containing a Heading 1 style entry; but on later pages the header is
"[heading1 text] continued.."
So far as I can see a {StyleRef "Heading 1"} entry will put the [heading
text] on every page, but I need to supress it on the first page, and display
it (plus the "continued..") on subsequent pages.

Any Ideas, please?

Jay Freedman

PeterBu said:
Template used Heading 1 style at start of new part of report. Heading 1 has
"page break before" so it is always at the top of page. Report part may be
one or many pages. I need to create a page header that is -- blank on the
page containing a Heading 1 style entry; but on later pages the header is
"[heading1 text] continued.."
So far as I can see a {StyleRef "Heading 1"} entry will put the [heading
text] on every page, but I need to supress it on the first page, and display
it (plus the "continued..") on subsequent pages.

Any Ideas, please?

Instead of using the "page break before" format, you need to put a New
Page section break before each Heading 1. Then in File > Page Setup >
Layout, check the "Different first page" box and set the Applies To
dropdown to "Whole document". Leave the First Page header blank. If
the first section doesn't already have more than one page, add a hard
page break (Ctrl+Enter) temporarily so you can get to the main header.
Fill in the main header with

{StyleRef "Heading 1"} continued..

and update the field with F9. As you make new sections for new Heading
1s, both the First Page header and the main header will automatically
have Same As Previous turned on, which is what you want. The StyleRef
will handle the change of wording.

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